Dear prayer supporters
Mr. Johan de Bruin (Chairperson and General Superintendent of the AEB) writes as follows:
“Mrs. Dalene Waterson retired after 46½ years of faithful service in the AEB. She performed her duties as Treasurer with distinction as well as facing last year alone in Head Office after her husband’s death, Mr. Keith Waterson. We as Board are grateful to Mrs. Waterson for her devotion and continued prayers for the work of the AEB. We wish her a blessed retirement where she will settle in Pretoria at the end of 2018.
Mr. and Mrs. Frans Gericke will head the Head Office with effect from 2019 and the Head Office will then be operated from Pretoria and no longer from Parow in the Western Cape. ”
New Head Office contact details effective 1 January 2019:
Home and contact address:
447A Sappers Contour, Lynnwood, Pretoria
Postal address:
Postnet Suite #251, Private Bag X025, Lynnwoodrif, 0040
Telephone (Home and Work):
012 348 1845
Sell nr:
Mnr. Frans Gericke
082 359 1557
The banking details will stay the same:
Banking details:
AEB Gen/Sec
Account Nº: 390184034
Branch Nº: 632-005
Another valuable message from Keith Waterson
Colossians 3: 8: “But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth.”
1a) God saves by his Holy Spirit of a bad temper – it has been proven time and again – some at salvation, others at sanctification.
Depravity – a part of the old man – fruit of indwelling sin. Then it’s not just a natural emotion – it’s something out of control.
1b) The ability to be angry is a God-given emotion. God gets angry. We were created after his image. “Be ye angry, and sin not.”
1c) Do not deny anger. You cannot just let it disappear. It will not leave by itself. If I keep it bottled up inside, it will causes head / body pains, criticism, impatience and even depression.
1d) Do not suppress it. You cherish a grudge and you enjoy it. Self-pity, un-forgiveness. It has the same effect. Head aches, pains, criticism, short temper.
1e) Do not seek substitutes. Circumstances, pastor, employer make you angry and you take it out on your wife or children. Why are you in such a foul mood? Do not try to express it any other way – like shouting, “letting off steam”. It is not a biblical way.
Psalm 37: 7 has the Bible’s recipe – Bible psychology:
“Rest in the Lord”
“wait patiently for him”
“fret not thyself ”
Rest in the Lord
Get quiet. Tell the Lord that you are angry or angry now. Ask yourself: Why am I angry? What is the cause? Is it right to get angry in this situation? Is this fair and permissible anger? Are my own selfish desires disgusting? Do I want to manipulate someone? Do I want to get revenge on someone? We must acknowledge wrath before we can put it off. We must be silent before the Lord before we act. Is my anger against a targeted person or an act?
“Being angered is not the starter pistol at the beginning of the race, it is a red light meant for us to come to a standstill and take measure.”
“Rest in the Lord”
Wait patiently for him
It’s so wonderful that I can expect God in any situation. Can I look at the situation differently – this time with God’s eyes? Will others and God regard my actions as selfishness, trifle? How would it look if someone else reacted like that?
Expect HIM – do not keep thinking about it and do it around the clock. Expect the Lord. Discuss it with the Lord and regard it as completed.
Expect him – handle the matter so that you or others do not get hurt by dwelling on it. Expect his help.
Fret not thyself
He does not say: do not feel angry – but do not be angry. To feel angry is not sin.
Galatians 5 – works of the flesh – “anger”. Fruit of the Spirit – all the opposite – long suffering, kindness, meekness.
Make an effort to allow the Holy Spirit to control you.
Proverbs 14:29: “He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding: but he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly.”
Proverbs 15:18: “A wrathful man stirreth up strife: but he that is slow to anger appeaseth strife.”
Proverbs 16:32: “He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city.” Do not be warthful.
Mrs. Grobler – Hebron: “Do not get upset and tense. You will not be able to live holy.”
Ds Gert van Rensburg: “Did you hear that?” To feel angry is not sin. To be angry is.
There are crises. In the crisis I have to make choices. In my choice, I have to “take up your cross”.
Be silent before the Lord – Expect Him – Don’t be wrathful.
WEES SAAM MET ONS BLY — Lukas 15:6, 7
Wes-Kaap: “Ek glo dat die pas afgelope konferensie op Amana ‘n onuitwisbare indruk op die konferensiegangers gemaak het wat beslis ‘n rooiletter datum en defnitiewe keerpunt op meer as een persoon se geestelike kalender is. Saterdagmiddag het ds Johan Bothma oor die volheid van die Heilige Gees gepreek en na die diens ‘n uitnodiging gemaak. Ons was so bewus van die teenwoordigheid van die Here in die atmosfeer dat dit maklik was om ons voor die Here te verootmoedig. Veertien mense het vorentoe gegaan waarna ‘n Goddelike tyd van gebed gevolg het waartydens ons in gebrokenheid ons behoefte aan God bekend kon maak.”
Noord-Gauteng: “Die konferensie op Samekoms was uiters geseënd gewees. Dit was lanklaas dat ek konferensiegangers so opgewonde gesien het en hoor praat het. Ek eer die Here dat Hy Ds. Jannie op so ‘n wyse kom gebruik het.” Jeugkamp Samekoms: “Ek kon die eerste aand saam met ‘n jongmeisie bid vir redding… hoe ernstig sy was weet ek nie, maar die Here ken die harte. Die woensdag het ek die voorreg gehad om met ‘n ander jongmeisie te bid vir redding. Sy het die vorige dag met my gepraat en gesê sy is nie bereid om alles aan die Here oor te gee nie en sy vrees dat sy na twee weke net weer dieselfde sal wees. Die aand het Taylor gevra wie bereid is om die Here met alles te volg. Sy het bly sit. Maar na die tyd het sy haastig kamer toe gegaan. Toe ek so rukkie later na haar kamer toe gaan, vind ek haar daar in trane. Nadat ek ‘n kort rukkie met haar begin praat het, het sy uit haar eie net begin bid. Daar het sy so opreg alles aan die Here oorgegee. Sy het ook die Here gevra om haar staande te hou. Ek kan waarlik sê dit was antwoord op gebed. Die Here het in haar hart kom werk en haar bereid gemaak om alles aan Hom oor te gee.” Ons dank die Here vir dit wat Hy kom doen het en gee Hom al die eer.”
Noord-Wes: “Tydens die Lentekonferensie kon ons net bewus raak van die Here se teenwoordigheid in ons midde en met die laaste diens was daar ‘n groot deurbraak in harte van die mense. Alle eer aan Jesus. Wat regtig ‘n riem onder die hart was is hoeveel mense op die kampterein oorgebly het en middae het dag- besoekers gerus om volgende diens by te woon.”
Nationale AEB Konferensie: 12-16 Des 2018
( naby Winburg in die Vrystaat)
Raadsvergaderings: 6-7 Des 2018
Pelgrimdienste: 8-11 Des 2018
Konferensie: 12-16 Des 2018
Sprekers: Mnr K Daniel en Dr K Geldenhuys
* 30 Okt: Piet Retief Jeugdiens
* 4 Nov: Parow Maandelikse Diens – Glenvar
* 4 Nov: P.E. Maandelikse Diens
* 7–23 Nov: Besoeke in Parys, Potchefstroom en
* 9 – 11 Nov: Uitreik op Laingsburg.
* 12 – 16 Nov: Uitreik op Sutherland.
* 24 November: Glenvar Diplomadiens — Ds
Richard Verreyne
* 24 Nov: Hebron jaareind afsluiting — Oos-Kaap
* Mnr K Daniel in Amerika:
2-4 November: Wisconsin
9-17 November: Manhattan, New York.
Met dank teenoor ons getroue Hemelse Vader en die gewers, erken ons die volgende naamlose donasies: 12/07: R300; 3/09: R4000; 29/09: R500. XYZ: 2/07: R200; 31/08: R250; 2/10: R200. HJC: 4/07: R1100, R200; 26/07:R400; 1/08: R1000, R200; 31/08: R350; 5/09: R1100, R200; 1/10: R1325, R200.
Namens die AEB wens ons u ‘n Christus-gevulde Kersgety en geseënde Nuwe Jaar toe.
Mag u “EmmÁnnuel, God met ons” in 2019 ervaar.