Liewe Gebedsvriende
Ons groet u in die Wonderlike Naam van ons Verlosser. Ons is innig dankbaar vir elke gebedstryder en ondersteuner wat volhou om te bid vir elke werker in die AEB.
“Thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God hath led thee these forty years.”—Deut. 8:2.
THE KEYNOTE of this chapter is “Remember!” Faith begins without certain evidence of an external and positive kind, but as life advances, one day after another adds the weight of its indisputable testimony. If we step out on the supposition that there is an eternal and spiritual world enwrapping us on all sides, we shall come to so clear and distinct an assurance of it, that it would be easier to doubt our existence. It is a good thing to look back and see the way; it is as certain as possible that the thread of Divine purpose is stringing together the many-coloured links of our life.
Notice the alliteration of Deut. 8:15, Deut. 8:16. “Who led thee”; “Who fed thee.” Where God leads, He feeds! Look back on the past, and see that just as sure as the guidance of God, has been His care. There is no lack to those who allow Him to lead them in His own paths.
Look back on the past!- It’s sins and backslidings-leave them behind for ever, and rise to newness of life. Its discipline- intended to chasten and strengthen us. Its trials- meant to reveal God’s power to deliver in the hour of trouble that we may glorify Him. The terrible wilderness of loneliness, the fiery serpents of temptation, the manna which has never failed to fall, the water which the Rock has ever yielded. Deut. 8:17-18 teach us the lesson of humility. If, for some reason, you have been put into a position of wealth, honour, or influence, do not be proud, or think that your talents or abilities are to receive the praise. Thank God, and remember that it is He who gives the power to get wealth or honour, and He does it with a very definite purpose! Will you not pledge yourself to serve and worship Him? As you climb the crest of the hill, and begin to descend into the plain, not knowing what lies before, veiled in the mist, fear not, tighten your girdle, put your hand in His, and walk with Him to be His instrument to bless the world of men. F.B. MEYER
Uit Noord- & Suid-Gauteng: Die Here het ons waarlik kom seën die afgelope paar aande. Ons het goeie opkomste na die dienste gehad, en die uitdaging tot sielewenners het kragtig deurgekom. Vanaand het ‘n man kragdadig met God ontmoet. Hy het gekom, omdat ‘n vriend hom genooi het, met die voorneme dat hy met God wil ontmoet en die Here het hom nie teleurgestel nie. ‘n Ander jong man het kragtig teruggekom na die Here Jesus. Bid asb. vir hulle.
Noordwes: Ons het saam met ‘n tannie van in die 80 gebid en in gebrokenheid en trane het sy die Here Jesus ontmoet. Die volgende dag het haar dogter kom getuig dat daar werklik ‘n verandering by haar ma is! Daar was trane van oortuiging soos die mense telkemale die Here Jesus gesoek het in die gebed vir Sy oorvloedige genade.
Namibië: God se belofte staan duidelik dat ek nie moet bekommer wees nie, want Hy is met my (Psalm 27). Met daardie woorde was dit ook hoe ek die naweek se jeugkamp aangepak het met vertroue op my Verlosser, dat Hy my sal lei in al Sy weë. Te dank aan ons Vader kan ek getuig dat die Here waarlik in die jongmense se harte kom werk het en dit nie deur wat ek of my medewerker gedoen het nie, maar God deur ons.
Noord-Kaap: Woensdagaand na die laaste diens het mense kom getuig van seën. ‘n Oom het kom dankie sê vir die Woord, die Here het met dinge kom handel waarmee hy worstel. Gaan voort om te bid asb.
20-23 Februarie – Hopetown uitreik. (Jeugaand 21ste & Manne ontbyt 23ste)
22-24 Februarie – Vrouekamp – Noordwes
22-24 Februarie – Sielewenners Konferensie – Samekoms, Noord- & Suid-Gauteng
22-27 Februarie – How to be God’s Fisherman – Roy Daniel – Roodepoort
25 Februarie – 1 Maart – Orania
1 Maart – Vroue dag van Gebed – Magaliesburg
2-10 Maart – Vaaldriehoek Makro Veldtog
16-24 Maart – Noord-Gauteng Veldtog
6-15 April – Suid-Gauteng Veldtog
PAASKONFERENSIES (18-21 April 2019)
Noordwes (Betesda) – Spreker: Mr & Mrs Keith Daniel
Noord-Gauteng (Samekoms) – Spreker: Ds. Johan Bothma
Vrystaat (Mispa) – Spreker: Ds. Hannes Delport
Oos-Kaap (Hebron) – Spreker: Ds. Dirk Lourens
Namibië (Emmanuel) – Spreker: Dr. DA Myburgh
Wes-Kaap (Amana) – Spreker: Mnr. J de Bruin.
In Sy liefde
Frans & Erica Gericke
Hoofkantoor Bankbesonderhede
Rek no.: 390 184 034
Dankie vir elke anonieme donasie vir die Hoofkantoor. Ons eer die Here!